Laboratory test
Our home testing service brings accurate and reliable medical tests right to your door. From routine blood work to specialized diagnostics, we ensure fast, precise results for all your health needs.
With expert professionals and top-notch equipment, your well-being is always our top priority.
- 10,000+ Lab Tests
- Sample Collection by DHA Nurse
- Most Tests Result in 24 Hours
- Internationally Accredited Lab
- Pregnancy test
- STD test
- Urine test
- Blood test
Advantages of Our Home Lab Test
- Convenience of At-Home Testing
Experience the ease of having medical tests done in the comfort of your home, eliminating the need for clinic visits and waiting rooms.
- Quick and Accurate Results
Get timely, reliable results from a wide range of tests, allowing for faster diagnosis and treatment of health concerns.
Contact us to arrange a convenient time for your home testing. Our team will discuss your needs and confirm the visit.
A skilled professional will come to your home to collect the necessary samples, ensuring a comfortable and efficient experience.
Get your test results delivered to you within 24 hours, along with any recommendations for next steps in your care.
“We prioritize your comfort, safety, and convenience. Our doctors bring necessary equipment for thorough home examinations. They can prescribe medications, order lab tests, and coordinate follow-up care with our nursing staff.”